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台湾宾果28开奖网-官网首页 March 2024

台湾宾果开奖结果历史记录-最新中奖号码 News & Notes

A Web-Exclusive Poem from Cameron Barnett’s New Collection

Murmur: “Grandpa’s Gavel”

By Cameron Barnett • February 27, 2024

Upcoming Readers Write Deadlines

Misunderstandings, the Basement, and Timing

February 23, 2024

The Beast in Your Head

Read an Essay from an Upcoming Issue

By Cynthia Marie Hoffman • February 22, 2024
All news & notes
The Sun Interview

台湾宾果开奖网-威力彩中奖号码 Is This Desire?

Clarissa Smith on the Intersection of Human Sexuality and Pornography

Being honest or open about your Pornhub habits is not the same as telling someone, “I’ve just seen Call My Agent! on Netflix. I think you’d like it.” Part of the reason for that is that most people don’t spend terribly long on Pornhub.

By Staci Kleinmaier


The elf hits me doing what feels like eighty, blowing through the light at the new intersection by the outlet mall. One of his headlights glances off mine, and he swerves on two wheels before slamming into a construction barricade with the sound of a typewriter dropped off a roof. No seat belt: he is thrown from the car and sails into the desert.

By Samuel Jensen
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Kissing Strangers in the Street

Afterward I checked my phone. There were a dozen messages from three of my girlfriends who knew where I was. Like a chorus of Muses they asked, Are you alive? The dom was in the shower. I leaned against the glass-topped desk, my abandoned martini on the nightstand. I was very much alive.

By Cameron Dezen Hammon
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Don’t Think Too Hard about Avocados

It’s the brown spots that worry me, the ones that appear on the edge of the avocado after you leave half in the refrigerator. Harmless or no? . . . I’m not talking about overall browning, though. I’m talking about distinct dark spots speckling the flesh. Are they brown or black? I’ve never been very good with colors.

By Hank Stephenson
Readers Write


Calling a 1-900 number, moving to the tropics, writing fan fiction

By Our Readers
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