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News & Notes



An Update on Israel and Palestine

In recent weeks we have witnessed the ongoing tragedies in the Middle East—the October 7 attack on Israel and the killing and displacement of innocent civilians in Gaza—with a mix of fear, anger, and grief. We want to make our stance clear: we are pro-peace.

December 15, 2023

Friends of The Sun

As The Sun enters its fiftieth year of publication, we’ve been more grateful than ever for the readers who have sustained our ad-free, nonprofit magazine above and beyond the cost of a subscription. We simply wouldn’t be here without the dedication of our readers. Friends of The Sun have kept us in circulation through paper shortages, postage increases, and technical difficulties. Here are just a few ways your donation made a difference last year.

March 15, 2023

Magazine Delivery Delay

Please wait to request a replacement copy of the November issue until December 15.

November 21, 2022

An Update Regarding Customer Service

As we move to a new customer service platform, some web-based tools will be unavailable. If you’d like to be notified when these features are once again active, please follow the link in the article.

February 14, 2022

Friends of The Sun

Why do I choose to donate to The Sun? For the same reason I donate to the symphony, and the botanical gardens, and the art museum. Because the world would be diminished if you were no longer part of it.

— Brett Lewis

February 1, 2022

Friends of The Sun

We want to hear from you. If you chose to support The Sun with a donation this spring — or not — we’d like to learn why. 

July 20, 2021

Your support meant a lot to us this past year


For more than forty-five years, readers like you have kept this magazine in circulation. Your support makes our work possible. Here are just a few ways donations made a difference over the past year.


May 7, 2021

An Update on Our Paywall

Beginning in April, subscribers will once again need to sign in to read The Sun online. Educators and organizations that have been using The Sun’s online selections during the pandemic and need continued access, please contact us.

March 10, 2021

Black Lives Matter

We grieve for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, David McAtee, and James Scurlock — only the most recent and visible Black lives lost to violence, often at the hands of police. We stand in solidarity with protesters all over the world marching in their names. Both on and off the page, The Sun supports the cause of social justice. If you’re able, please consider joining us this month in contributing to those working to end systemic racism, inequality, and police brutality.

June 5, 2020

An Update Regarding COVID-19

Due to the novel coronavirus, The Sun’s offices are temporarily closed, and staff are working from home. There may be significant delays in responding to postal mail, including payments and renewals. We anticipate that subscribers will continue to receive the magazine each month without interruption or delay.

May 16, 2020
What Do You Think? We love getting letters to the editor for our Correspondence section.
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