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The Dog-Eared Page

The Dog-Eared Page

Market Street

The sea of people looked like a great heartbroken circus, wild living art, motley and stylish, old and young, lots of Buddhists, people from unions and churches and temples, punks and rabbis and aging hippies and nuns and veterans — God, I love the Democratic Party — strewn together on the asphalt lawn of Market Street.

By Anne Lamott March 2022
The Dog-Eared Page

Riding Out At Evening

At dusk, everything blurs and softens. / From here out over the long valley, / the fields and hills pull up / the first slight sheets of evening, / as, over the next hour,  / heavier, darker ones will follow.

By Linda McCarriston February 2022
The Dog-Eared Page

Memory: Short-Term Loss, Long-Term Gain

I am not so sure it is “we” who look back. The commemorating imagination seems to come alive on its own. We are not the sole instigators of remembering; memory seems to push itself on us.

By James Hillman January 2022
The Dog-Eared Page

Reading From The Desert Fathers At The Laundromat

A certain brother went to Abbot Moses and asked him for a good word. And the elder said to him: Go, sit in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything.

By Robbie Gamble December 2021
The Dog-Eared Page


Soybeans look like a foot of water on the field in April / When you’re ready to plant and can’t get in

By Thomas Orr November 2021
The Dog-Eared Page

Miracle Fair

One of many miracles: / a small and airy cloud / is able to upstage the massive moon.

By Wisława Szymborska October 2021
The Dog-Eared Page

from The Grapes Of Wrath

What happened to the folks in that car? Did they walk? Where are they? Where does the courage come from? Where does the terrible faith come from?

By John Steinbeck September 2021
The Dog-Eared Page

Refugees, Late Summer Night

Out there, in the dark, they could have been / anyone: refugees from Rwanda, slaves pushing north. / Palestinians, Romani, Armenians, Jews. . . . / The lights of Tijuana, that yellow haze to the west, /could have been Melos, Cracow, Quang Ngai. . . .

By Steve Kowit August 2021
The Dog-Eared Page

The Brahmin’s Son

One must find the source within one’s own Self, one must possess it. Everything else was seeking — a detour, error.

By Hermann Hesse July 2021
The Dog-Eared Page

Mr. X

One Scientist’s Experience With Cannabis

The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.

By Carl Sagan June 2021
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