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Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Alternative Energy

Solar energy, many scientists believe, is adequate for all the conceivable energy needs of the world. It is safe and clean, but expensive. The main technical obstacle is bringing down the cost of the solar cells, which convert light from the sun directly into electric current.

By Joy Hewitt January 1974
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

[The best alternative energy sources]

The best alternative energy sources, according to Watson Morris of ECOS, are “doing away with present wasteful practices.”

By Anonymous January 1974
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories


Lewis’ head is under the hood

Lewis, who lived through gas rationing in World War II, observes that “this country runs on gas and oil” and “the man with the money gets what he wants.”

By Van Fitchett January 1974
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Price Was Never Right

We will strip off the earth’s skin for oil. We will destroy the beauty of our shores. We will pollute the air for it. And we will kill for it. If we cannot buy it for what we consider a fair price we will take it by force, our need is so great.

By Mike Mathers January 1974
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