Forest Woodward | The Sun Magazine

Forest Woodward

Forest Woodward is trying to complain less and listen more, all while making pictures of things he cares about. He lives in Franklin, North Carolina.

— From March 2023

December 2020

Children play on the piles of sand dredged from the Funafuti lagoon. The sand is used to reinforce the eroding beach in front of government buildings in the capital. With a peak about twenty feet above sea level, the sand piles are the highest point in the country.

December 2020

Two boys fly paper airplanes amid construction debris near the lagoon on the main island of Funafuti. In the background excavators work to reinforce and expand the beach.


December 2020

Children at the local school on Nui undergo eye exams. The exams are conducted by a foreign aid organization that visits the island every few years.

December 2020

Tuvaluans heading home on foot and by moped after an evening of celebration and feasting during Easter in the capital, Funafuti.

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