Jaquira Díaz | The Sun Magazine

Jaquira Díaz


Jaquira Díaz is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize and an NEA writing fellowship. She lives in Miami Beach, Florida, where she hosts Sunday Salon Miami, a reading series featuring local and international literary voices.

— From August 2014
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

My Mother And Mercy

I hug her back, but not too tight. I’m afraid I might break her, that her collarbone will fracture, that her ribs will crack, that I will crush her with my need to put her back together again.

August 2014
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Baby Lollipops

It was the year they found a dead toddler in the bushes, head bashed in, bite marks and cigarette burns all over his body. He was wearing a T-shirt with multicolored lollipops across the front. It was November 1990.

November 2011
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