Kurt Luchs | The Sun Magazine

Kurt Luchs


Kurt Luchs’s 2022 Pushcart Prize for poetry proves that dreams can come true and clerical errors do happen. His poetry collection Death Row Row Row Your Boat is forthcoming. He lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

— From July 2023

False Spring

We know it can’t last. / It’s still February, and it always snows in March / and April and sometimes even in May. / We’ll take it, though, the hunks of ice / shrinking and sliding off the roof / into puddles that weren’t there yesterday

July 2023

Already True

A Selection Of Poetry For These Times

July 2020


I practice a very special / form of mindfulness / called not-minding-ness. / This has brought me peace and purified / my soul to the point that it is almost / possible to live with me.

January 2018
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