Margo Steines | The Sun Magazine

Margo Steines


Margo Steines lives in Tucson, Arizona. Her debut memoir, Brutalities, is forthcoming in October. She is mom to a small human and folds a tremendous amount of tiny laundry.

— From August 2023
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Run Home

Long-distance running is the dogged refusal to bend to the way you feel. It is the accommodation of pain. If you run long enough, far enough, fast enough, you will carve out a place in yourself where pain can live.

August 2023
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

A Very Brutal Game

A man with the right scruffed-up beard and breadth of chest swaggered into the S and M dungeon that was my place of business, and twenty minutes and one grand later had my chin — still soft with the downy fluff of teen-girl skin — held steady in one paw while the other one flew at my face so hard and fast that I ceased to exist as the same collection of matter I had been the previous instant.

November 2020
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