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And where to all these highways go
Now that we are free?
Why are the armies marching still
That were coming home to me?
O lady with your legs so fine
O stranger at your wheel
You are locked into your suffering
And your pleasures are the seal

Leonard Cohen

October 1978


One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

Carl Jung

August 1978


We have to be utterly broken before we can realize that it is impossible to better the truth. It is the truth that we deny which so tenderly and forgivingly picks up the fragments and puts them together again.

Laurens Van der Post

June 1978


The political campaign won’t tire me, for I have an advantage. I can be myself.

John F. Kennedy

March 1978


“I learned one thing.”


“Never to go on trips with anyone you do not love.”

Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

February 1978


Time is Breath.


December 1977


Once we open ourselves, then we land on what is.

Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche

December 1977


Disappointment is a good sign of basic intelligence. It cannot be compared to anything else: it is so sharp, precise, obvious and direct. If we can open, then we suddenly begin to see that our expectations are irrelevant compared with the reality of the situations we are facing.

Chögyam Trungpa

November 1977


You have everything in you that Buddha has, that Christ has, you’ve got it all. But only when you start to acknowledge it is it going to get interesting. Your problem is you’re afraid to acknowledge your own beauty. You’re too busy holding on to your own unworthiness. You’d rather be a schnook sitting before some great man. That fits in more with who you think you are. Well, enough already. I sit before you and I look and I see your beauty, even if you don’t.

Ram Dass, Grist for the Mill

September 1977


Money has become incorporeal, far transcending tangible possessions, a vibrant all-persuasive element, almost independent of the possessor, an atmosphere to which there is no longer any contrast. Now it is a question of finding the new poverty for this new “wealth,” all that having withdrawn far into the invisible; . . . real poverty must be born again anew inside the soul and will perhaps not be Franciscan at all.

Rainer Maria Rilke

July 1974
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