Topics | Romantic Love | The Sun Magazine #3


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Romantic Love

Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Relationship Tips

I put aside the previous rejections and try again. This time I don’t mess around with coffee. I don’t want anything that might allow her a graceful out or result in a request to be friends. I have friends. I ask her on a dinner date.

By Sandra Gail Lambert October 2021
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Taking Care

He sits on the mattress on the floor and unties his sneakers carefully. He spreads his laces to the sides of his shoes, as if they deserved respect.

By Ellery Akers July 2021

The Other Side Of The Mountain

This was what it was like to do the work she did, to recognize the person in the dying body and to stay with them — like bearing witness to light moving through wreckage, stubborn and pure.

By Ruby Shaw July 2021


She liked classic rock and country, while I favored singer-songwriters with whispery voices and acoustic guitars. She teased me that this was typical of kids whose older parents had made them listen to Bob Dylan instead of Michael Jackson. In fact, my parents had usually listened to silence, but I liked her theory anyway, because it suggested that my personality was not my fault.

By Marian Crotty June 2021

Near The End

Without her glasses she couldn’t see, / so she’d touch her thumb to the bristles / of the two toothbrushes / to figure out which one I’d used, / then she would use the other.

By Grady Chambers June 2021

Wanting Things To Be Different

A relapse of Lyme disease: / fever and chills, flickers of pain. / I want to sleep all the time, and my arms ache. / I lie on the steel grate that juts over the stream.

By Ellery Akers May 2021
Readers Write


A stolen letter, a posthumous package, a Christmas card from a stranger

By Our Readers February 2021
Readers Write


A hasty purchase, a starvation diet, an unwanted pregnancy

By Our Readers January 2021
Readers Write


Chinese New Year in Philadelphia, Thanksgiving in Mexico, Passover in prison

By Our Readers November 2020
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

A Very Brutal Game

A man with the right scruffed-up beard and breadth of chest swaggered into the S and M dungeon that was my place of business, and twenty minutes and one grand later had my chin — still soft with the downy fluff of teen-girl skin — held steady in one paw while the other one flew at my face so hard and fast that I ceased to exist as the same collection of matter I had been the previous instant.

By Margo Steines October 2020