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The Sun Interview

The Sun Interview

An Interview With Warren Barrett

The name “Storybook Farm” came when I was reading to my kids one night, and in the middle of this book, there was a picture of this farm. When I saw the picture I said, “Oh wow, how beautiful! One of these days, we’re going to have a place just like that. A storybook farm.”

By Elizabeth Campbell January 1979
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Peter Caddy

I live in the moment. Fully in the moment, not worrying about the next day or thinking about the past day. So there are certain techniques that one learns. I thoroughly enjoy life. I enjoy what I am doing, and I know that I am guided step by step, and all that needs to happen, happens.

By Elizabeth Campbell August 1978
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Robert Bly

The sixties seem to have been a disaster period as far as relationships between men and women go, though one thing did come forward. Women began to feel much more confidence in their own energies.

By Jeffery Beame July 1978
The Sun Interview

The Bach Flower Remedies

An Interview With Larry Miller

The flower remedies, if they are administered, then flood the physical body with the needed virtue washing out the fault causing the harm and that in turn raises the vibration of our beings, of our natures and puts us in touch with our soul or our divinity or our higher self, in which the presence of disease has to fall away.

By Priscilla Rich February 1978
The Sun Interview

Another View

An Interview With Tony Waldrop

I never thought I was much more talented than other people, until I quit. I think now maybe I did have quite a bit of talent. I think the biggest thing that helped me while I was running is the fact that I am just extremely determined.

By Alma Blount February 1978
The Sun Interview

Running: Face To Face With Yourself

An Interview With Peter And Martha Klopfer

Everybody can win in a race, you see, if they’ve all improved their personal records. You’ve seen this in track meet after track meet, there’s the guy who comes in last but it’s a personal record for him. He gets as much applause from his buddies as the guy who won.

By Alma Blount February 1978
The Sun Interview

Nuclear Power: The Ugly Truth

An Interview With Richard Webb

I’d have to assume that you’re going to get a disastrous accident within the next 20 years, 30 years, right around there . . . I may be wrong . . . We’re liable to have one next week.

By Karl Grossman February 1978
The Sun Interview

An Interview With George Leonard

Nothing in my unscientific judgement is more sickening or more dangerous to the human body and well-being than emotions unexpressed.

January 1978
The Sun Interview

An Interview With David Stewart

I was hoping she might tell us, “Wilmington’s OK, nothing’s going to happen.” But, instead, she made that startling prediction. It was on the 5th of January, 1975, and she said within a year there’s going to be a major earthquake in the Wilmington region.

By Julia Hardy April 1977
The Sun Interview

An Interview With Jerry Solfvin

Rather than go into detail about how parapsychology got started on the survival question, let me just say that we are currently approaching the question through what we call altered states of consciousness research. It’s kind of a back door approach, you might say, to this question.

By Julia Hardy December 1976
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