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The Sun Interview

The Sun Interview

An Interview With Swami Muktananda

He was only another name, another guru, until I read Sally Kempton’s article in New York Magazine. Sally had written for Esquire a couple of years ago about her liberation as a woman. Now, she was writing about a different kind of liberation.

By Sy Safransky July 1976
The Sun Interview

The Case For Survival

An Interview With William Roll

To determine whether consciousness continues, as far as I am concerned, the best approach is to explore it where we are certain of finding it, that is in ourselves. Since we are concerned with the continuation or survival of consciousness, then this consciousness also exists before death and presumably can be studied there.

By Robert Ashby April 1976
The Sun Interview

Paperback Writer

An Interview With Ronald Kemp

Pornography is a dirty book. If you like a dirty book, it’s fine, nothing wrong with it.

By Dusty Miller January 1976
The Sun Interview

In Defense Of The Human Heart

An Interview With Ron Tabor

On an unconscious level people are preparing themselves psychically for the future I’ve talked about without consciously knowing it, since in the future, political action — except for the revolution of the minorities in the cities — is meaningless.

By Sy Safransky December 1975
The Sun Interview

Death And Other Cures

An Interview With Dr. Lobsang Dolma

“Illness,” she says, “is caused by your own actions in this or a former lifetime. Killing, stealing, and lying can draw illness to yourself.” In one out of ten illnesses, she continues, an evil spirit is present.

By Sy Safransky June 1975
The Sun Interview

Thoughts On Community

An Interview With Stephen Gaskin

Each seed, each baby born, each word, each deed, all together now, creating the music of the world.

By Mike Mathers April 1975
The Sun Interview

Dropping Out/Dropping In

Work on yourself first, before you work on something else. That’s kind of the basic idea. The Zen people say wash your bowl. The Sufis say clean your mirror. It’s all the same thing. Work on yourself first, then those other questions answer themselves.

By Mike Mathers February 1974
The Sun Interview

More Baba Ram Dass

You start with the energy to be somebody, then use it to become nobody.

By Sy Safransky January 1974
The Sun Interview

Baba Ram Dass

There Is No Energy Crisis!

In a recent interview, Ram Dass, who moves and speaks with an economy of energy suited to the times, suggests that the energy crisis is, “like all trauma, an exquisitely designed opportunity to reawaken man.”

By Sy Safransky January 1974
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